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Vanilo 4.0 Released

April 25th, 2024

Vanilo 4.0 has been released with Laravel 11 support, new checkout, order and adjustment features.

Laravel 11

Beginning with v4.0, Vanilo supports Laravel 10 and 11, and PHP 8.2 and 8.3.

New Features

Tax Engine Extensions

Added the generic Taxable interface, and the Foundation's CartItem, Product and MasterProductVariant are now "taxables".

Added the extendable TaxEngine (facade) that can resolve tax rates from taxables, billing/shipping addresses, a place for various country-specific taxation drivers. Added the DefaultTaxCalculator which - calculates simply by rate. The DeductiveTaxCalculator class deducts the amount from gross prices.

Added the CalculateTaxes listener to cart update and shipping address change events so that configured taxes are applied as adjustments.

Configurable Products

Added Cart Item configuration support. Different configurations constitute separate cart items even when the underlying product is the same. The configuration can be passed to the Cart::addItem() method.

The configurations are persisted to the order items table accordingly.

Multi-currency Support

Each order record can have a separate currency. Existing orders without explicit currency are considered as having the globally configured default currency

Hidden Properties

Properties now can be hidden, which means they can be hidden from the storefront and filters, but can be still used for internal logic-related considerations.

Version Updates

  • The default image handler is now using Laravel Media Library v11
  • The Address module has been updated to v3.3+ (which adds the Zoneable behavior and the EuropeanUnion helper)

Admin Improvements

Tax Features

Tax Category and Rate editing has been added to the Admin package

tax categories

tax rates

Additionally, the tax category can be assigned to products on their edit forms.

Channel Assignments

Channel assignments can be edited on the products, shipping methods and payment methods pages.

channel assignment

When assigning an entry (product, payment/shipping method) to a channel, it means that it will only be available in the given channels.

Channel Configuration

The channel form now contains the domain, currency, shipping and billing zone fields. Setting billing/shipping zones for a channel can be used to geographically restrict customers and shipping destinations per channel.

Payment Method Zone

The geographic zone of a payment method can now be edited on the admin. This can be used to dynamically show or hide certain payment methods based on the billing address at the checkout.

Backorder Support

Beginning with v4.0, it is possible to define a "backorder" behavior on a per-product basis. It means that if the product is out of stock, orders can be still accepted either in a limited (X additional units) or unlimited manner.



  • The ProductSearch class can now limit and sort results, and filter by slug, channel(s).
  • Added the withImages and withChannels methods to the product search class (eager loads media)
  • The payment_method_id is now stored with orders. Earlier it was obtained by the current payment, but it could be ambiguous due to an order possibly having multiple payments.
  • The PaymentMethod model is now "zoneable", i.e. it can be restricted to specific geographic zones.
  • A SimpleTaxDeduction adjuster has been added. It can be used when to deduct taxes from gross prices.

Extended Multi-Channel Support

Added the channelables table for being many-to-many polymorphic relationships with channels and arbitrary models.

Products, Master Products, Taxonomies, Payment Methods and Shipping Methods are now channel-aware.

New Domain Events

The following new events have been added:

  • BillpayerChanged (on checkout),

Removed Items

  • Removed the Vanilo v2 Framework namespace compatibility layer
  • Removed the throwing of CartUpdated event when destroying a cart (CartDeleting and CartDeleted events remain)
  • Removed the deprecated BuyableImageSpatieV7 and BuyableImageSpatieV8 traits

For the full list of changes, including BCs, see the Vanilo 4.0 Changelog

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