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Vanilo 4.2 Released

December 14th, 2024

Vanilo 4.2 has been released with support for promotions, coupons and PHP 8.4.

Promotion Module

The promotion module has been added with the following features:

  • Define promotions with priorities, time and usage limits
    • Add promotion rules like "minimum cart value"
    • Add promotion actions like "% discount", or "Fixed $10 discount"
  • Add coupons that can activate promotions with usage limit and expiration date

promotion view on admin

The total amount of promotions can be obtained from an order using the $order->promotions_total property.

Checkout Extensions for Promotions

The Checkout implementations have been extended with the addCoupon(), removeCoupon(), hasCoupon(), getCoupons(), hasAnyCoupon(), getPromotionsAmount() and setPromotionsAmount() methods.

To avoid breaking changes, these methods are not part of the Checkout interface, but they will be added in v5.

The following checkout events have been added:

  • CouponAdded (to checkout)
  • CouponRemoved (from checkout)
  • CouponUtilized (after a successful checkout converted to an order)
  • PaymentMethodSelected

Added a listener to update coupon and promo usage after a CouponUtilized event (Foundation)

Other Improvements

  • Added the PercentDiscount adjuster class
  • Added a listener to recalculate shipping fees after a PaymentMethodSelected event (Foundation)
  • Added domain field to the orders table
  • Added then automatic completion of $order->domain from the current request to the OrderFactory
  • Added the OrderBillpayerUpdated and OrderShippingAddressUpdated events

Admin Improvements

It is now possible to modify the billing and shipping addresses of an existing order in the admin:

order address editing

Misc Improvements

  • Added the discountable shipping fee calculator;
  • Added support for configurable decimal separator used by the format_price() helper function

For the full list of changes, see the Vanilo 4.2 Changelog

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